Cannot progress through Lord of the Manor Journal quest

3 votes

Not sure if I consider this to be a bug, I did a quick search and didn't see anyone else posting about it so apologies if someone else already mentioned it.


When did the issue start? After the update.
Were you able to play the game before? Yes
What happens? - Playing through the journal quests you get Lord of the Manor before the Servants quest, but you need Servant coffins to upgrade the castle core, so it is impossible to progress through the Journal quests.
Have you modified your game files or installed any mods? - No
Can the devs reproduce the issue? How? - Playing through the journal quests i guess.

Have you tried any solutions?
The solutions wouldn't really apply since it's quest requirements

New report Suggested by: Heracles Upvoted: 30 May, '23 Comments: 3

Comments: 3