Interior Royal Walls Wallpaper not displaying.
The Interior Royal Wallpaper is not displaying correctly on some of the pillars.
Comments: 5
17 May, '24
LeannaThis is happening consistently with some wallpapers where there are pillars placed underneath the pillar you are placing wallpaper on. The top of the pillar below is sticking through and causing the wallpapers to not function properly.
As shown on image, Pillar on the left does not have a pillar under it, while pillar on the right has a pillar directly below it. -
22 May, '24
DavidI like the look of it (minus the default brick struts at the bottom of each pillar) when it is forming part of a continuous pillar, i.e. using invisible flooring, but when placed on actual floors it should have the gold adornments irrespective of whether a pillar is below or not.
Regardless, the struts should not be clipping through applied wallpapers. -
10 Jun, '24
EmeroskyTruth be told: Its the extension pillars.
those pillars that are extending from the base ones tend to do this.