Large Growing Plot with trees in them never regrow the tree and can not remove the plot
As the title says. After placing a large growing plot you and putting a tree sapling in it you wont be able and smacking the tree down once it grows itll never regrow a tree and you can not remove the plot or place anything else in it as it thinks there is still a tree in it.
Comments: 56
09 May, '24
Eduardo MergedSo I put a large planter on my castle and planted a tree, after it was fully grown I cut it down cause I wanted the special wood the tree gives, the tree never grew back and I cant remove the planter now or plant any other tree on it cause its says there is a tree on it when there is not
09 May, '24
IncarneSame issue here
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09 May, '24
Kinamisame, large plot in my house, sapling , grows into tree, i cut the tree down, now the plot is broken
09 May, '24
EdwardSame issue here, is there any way to remove the plot?
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09 May, '24
MMTSame issue here
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09 May, '24
Dissame here, fix this asap please
09 May, '24
IncarneOnly fix ive found is moving home to another location, not really a fix but got rid of it for me
09 May, '24
Eduardosame happened its so annoying
09 May, '24
ShionSame issue. Hope on a quick fix! Ty devs ♥
09 May, '24
FoxySame issue
09 May, '24
Isoldei am having this issue too with the Sakura tree we planted we are unable to remove it and remodel the castle.
We cut the tree down over 4 hours ago -
09 May, '24
CarmenWe had trees, wanted to move the stuff and remembering i had to cut em down to make sure to get the materials out of them, i did, no stump left behind to take it down so ended up taking the other trees down first with building menu instead and not getting resources, saved a big portion of the area but ye, cant do anything concerning the useless growing plots now.. is there any idea when this will be sorted?
09 May, '24
Janine Canizares Admin"Planter bug" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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10 May, '24
BainSame issue here.
10 May, '24
SorshanovaThank you I have been going insane with this bug I need the 4 planters for plants and not trees right now.
10 May, '24
GabrielSame Issue here
10 May, '24
MorbentusSame issue, cannot remove/move the plot, and the tree do not regrow
10 May, '24
MrSmile47Same here. Server reboot helped. But it happend again(
10 May, '24
Nolvenn_OreynSame issue here, server reboot, removing, etc, never helped
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10 May, '24
RostislavThe same thing cannot be removed, not a tree, not a garden bed, in fact, and you cannot put a golem mine on this nonsense is a strong bug
10 May, '24
Thibault Mergedwhen I cut the tree on my large plot it was never able to grow back and it is impossible to remove the plot via the constructions menu saying that the tree is still there
10 May, '24
Janine Canizares Admin"large plot IS BUG" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 May, '24
Grey MergedBig garden bed dont delete after destroy cut down a tree, seed delete blocked too
11 May, '24
Baron BubblesSame here. It's a thing. As far as i can tell either the tree isn't fully removed when it is cut down when it should be, or becomes uninteractable when it shouldn't be.
11 May, '24
Steven Mergedwe planted some pine tree seeds in a large growing plot, cut it down but now the large growing plot wont let us move or destroy it, wont let us plant new tree seeds in saying is blocked by tree, no new tree appears to be regowing in the plot either
12 May, '24
Carlos Castellote MergedSo i planted a tree in the large growing pot, i cutted the tree down because i wanted to move the growing pot, but as it says in the attached screenshot it won't let me because it says that is "attached to an object. it cannot be modified until detached" even the admin of the server i play in tried to remove it but he wasn't able to do it.
12 May, '24
Petr Hampl MergedHad planted sapling in large growing plots and after first cut down it never grew again. I ignored is as I though it is intended, and after leveling castle up and unlocking more tiles I decided to put floor down and when I wanted to remove that plot it gives message I cannot interact with it and cant place new seed in it, it just sits there MENACINGLY.
I hope it will be fixed soon. -
12 May, '24
Wolv21Same Issue. Large Plot for a White Cherry Blossom after the tree was cut down. Get the error "Is attached to an object. It cannot be modified until detached."
13 May, '24
Grahamsame issue happening
13 May, '24
Druid RyszardI placed my Large Growing Plot with tree in it on top of a roof and after cutting down a tree it never grew back. Bug is still in game I suppose
14 May, '24
JehkobaSame here. ♥
14 May, '24
bbit's been fixed?
still same issue happening -
15 May, '24
Kiz Admin"Large Growing pot bug" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 May, '24
CharonzYou can remove it if you dismante the tree in your building menu. After thats done you are able to remove the large growing pot.
17 May, '24
FloydPlease hurry on this I haven’t been able to expand my castle for days, I have two trees that won’t grow and I can’t dismantle them. So very annoying
18 May, '24
Kiz Admin"在大型苗圃种植树木幼苗,长大并将其砍伐后,不能再种植其他作物,也不能移除苗圃,显示树木存在" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 May, '24
Kiz Admin"Big garden bed" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 May, '24
ChocoElBananaThis has not yet been fixed. If you cut the tree you planted on the large plot, it still won't regrow. And since there isn't any part of the tree that's showing after cutting it down so you cannot highlight over it in order to try to dismantle it, thus you can't remove it. Since you can't dismantle/remove the planted sapling you cannot also dismantle the Large Plot. This issue seems to only occur for harvested SAPLINGS on large plots, haven't encountered any issues with SEEDS.
19 May, '24
ChocoElBanana MergedIf you cut a tree that was planted on the large plot, it will not regrow. And since there isn't any part of the tree that's showing after cutting it down, you cannot highlight over it in order to try to dismantle it thus you can't remove it. Since you can't dismantle/remove the planted sapling you cannot also dismantle the Large Plot. This issue seems to only occur for harvested SAPLINGS on large plots, haven't encountered any issues with SEEDS yet.
20 May, '24
ChocoElBananaThe only solution so far that I've found is to restart the game server you're playing on(not progress reset). Lucky for me we have control of our dedicated server but I can't say the same for those playing on official servers.
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20 May, '24
Euhr Dominguez Admin"Trees cut down on Large Plot do not regrow" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 May, '24
Euhr Dominguez Admin"The bug with invisible tree sapling in large growing plot is still in the game" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.