Fishing not working (from wolf form)

5 votes

BRANCH: (None/Live-Test/etc): None
REPORT: When did the issue start: Today
Were you able to play the game before? This issue doesn't prevent me from playing
What happens?
> As the title says, what works correctly is if I try to use any weapon while in wolf form, but what does not work correctly is if I try to use my fishing pole while in wolf form. What happens is nothing. Clicking the button, keeps me in wolf form and does not fish in the bubbles. So in order to use my fishing pole, I have to first use another weapon, which disables wolf form, then I can switch to my fishing pole and use it. This problem also happens if my fishing pole has already been used, then if I go back to wolf form, then try to use the pole, then I am back unable to use it unless I fix it like before. (( LOVE YOUR GAME!!)) ---- Thanks!!

Known issue Suggested by: John Thomas Upvoted: 10 Jun, '23 Comments: 4

Comments: 4