Out of bounds/Textures not loading

2 votes

When did the issue start? Were you able to play the game before? - Today after I fell down a cliff, I was able to play the game as usual up until that point
What happens? Please give as many details as possible. - graphics won't load, I can see my character walking on a sort of white fog, and enemies can attack me but I cannot see them, it seems like I'm out of bounds
Have you modified your game files or installed any mods? - No
Can the devs reproduce the issue? How? - I don't know, the invisible floor just appeared and once I stepped on it I couldn't seem to get out of it, no matter if I selected the unstuck option or reloaded the game. I recorded a video but sadly only images can be uploaded.

Have you tried any solutions?
Yes, verified integrity of files and restarted computer, to no avail. This seems to be a game-breaking bug :(

New report Visual Suggested by: Paola Upvoted: 11 Mar Comments: 2

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