MaterialYieldModifier_Global does not function properly

1 votes

I was trying to increase the material yield of my private game to make it easier to gather large amounts of stone and wood to build massive castles. Things did not seem to be functioning properly so I messed around with some settings while reloading the game to try and solve the issue and here is what I found:

MaterialYieldModifier_Global does not seem to actually do anything, or at least I could not find what it does. It does not increase the material yield of wood nor stone.

DropTableModifier_Missions increases the material yield of stone and plant fiber, but not wood. I imagine it is not meant to affect the material yield of anything outside of missions.

I cannot find a setting that actually changes the material yield of wood.

New report Inventory/Crafting Suggested by: Mozo Upvoted: 02 Apr Comments: 1

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